CANopen Test Library
These Visio-based tests in our library are for use with our test machine. The test machine executes on the CANopen Diag hand-held test and diagnostic unit.
CiA301 HBTime200 Version 2.02
CiA301 Heartbeat Timing Test - Setting HB to 200ms and verify timing accuracy to 10 percent
CiA301 PDOevent100 Version 1.00
PDO event timing 100ms - PDO 1 to 4 event timing test 100ms for 10 percent accuracy
CiA447 GW HBlost Version 1.00
CiA 447 GW Test HB loss detection - Testing if heartbeat lost is reported after 750ms
CiA447 GW HBtime Version 1.00
CiA 447 GW Test HeartBeat timing - Testing HB timing to 10 percent accuracy
CiA447 GW LSStime Version 1.00
CiA 447 GW Test LSS Master timing - Testing LSS Master timing to 10 percent accuracy
CiA447 GW PDOtime Version 1.00
CiA 447 GW Test TPDO event timing - Testing TPDO1 and TPDO2 timing to 5 percent accuracy
CiA447 GW SDOburst Version 1.00
CiA 447 GW Test SDO burst - Sending SDO request bursts to gateway
CiA447 HBtime Version 2.02
CiA447 Heartbeat Timing - Check if heartbeat between 190-210
CiA447 HBtime write Version 2.04
CiA447 Heartbeat Write - Gateway writes to 1017 must pass
post cia301 fix testseq Version 2.01
CiA301 reset command - Reset node
post cia301 lss testseq Version 2.01
CiA301 reset command - Reset node
post cia447 fix testseq Version 2.01
CiA447 sleep command - Set all nodes to sleep
post cia447 lss testseq Version 2.01
CiA447 sleep command - Set all nodes to sleep
pre cia301 fix testseq Version 2.01
NMT reset and 1018h read - Reset and detect node
pre cia301 lss testseq Version 2.00
CiA301 Reset and LSS - Reset and detect node
pre cia447 fix testseq Version 2.01
CiA447 Wake Up and 1018h read - Wake up and detect node
pre cia447 lss testseq Version 2.01
CiA447 Wake Up and LSS - Wake up and detect node